Saturday, August 14, 2010


The SALA (South Australian Living Artist) Festival is on again. The SALA program boasts there are 3000 South Australian visual artists exhibiting their work in throughout 500 plus metropolitan and regional galleries, wineries, cafes, hotels and other unique, colourful and collaborative spaces. Woo!!!!!!!!!!! Its been such fun. I have been going out with my art buddy Mignon to view as much as we can possibly fit in. It feels like I am eating, sleeping and breathing art and I love it. The sad thing is the 24 day festival is nearly over and we have to wait a whole year before its on again. This is SALA's 13th year and there is literally art everywhere!!!!!!!!! I have spoken to so many wonderful artists who are willing to share their techniques that I have learnt sooooo much. After being out viewing some absolutely mind blowing art today I need an early night so I am fresh and bushy tailed ready for tomorrow's outing of ..... you guessed it ..... more art!


Laura said...

Good for you both..glad you taking the time to do this..sounds like a wonderful event..

Doris said...

Wonderful to hear of your extended art date! Also good to hear artists sharing, some are so standoffish and refuse to explain how they create.

Chrissie said...

Wow - you sound like you're in clover, Uta! What a great opportunity.

april said...

Oh Uta! And happy birthday (a couple days late)!