Thursday, December 11, 2008

A New Canvas is Waiting for Me

Yay I finished another artwork. Haven't taken a good pic of it yet so can't share it till I do. Its nearly time to cook dinner but I've got another canvas waiting for me on my easel. I think I will start it tonight once dinner is over and done with. Well I say that now. Usually once I eat dinner I just sit and watch tv till I get sleepy.

My daughter Julia has started a blog called My Pisces Heart. I've put it in my blog list on the side bar for anyone interested in taking a peek.

Off to cook some lamb chops and whip up a nice summer salad for dinner. Bob will be home soon.


Doris said...

I like Zoe's pieces and Julia's are wonderful. I'll have to check it out at home as my work computer is dimly lit and I could strain my brain trying to read it!

butterfly woman said...

Julia's new blog is neat.Nice to see her expanding. Love to see so much more of Zoe's artwork there. Love Zoe's bug painting as I am a reptile/bug person (or used to be when living in Florida). Does she just do watercolor or just whatever medium suits her fancy?
Can't wait for your next canvas.